Help for Struggling Readers

Concerned About Your Child’s Reading Skills? 

Are you worried that your child has lost ground learning to read or won’t be able to keep up with reading in September as a result of the COVID-19 quarantine?  

Call for free initial consultation. Absolutely No Obligation.

Learn about our private tutoring sessions through play for beginning readers, struggling readers and those with dyslexia to help your child become a successful reader.

No Contracts. In-Person or Online.

Learn about our 1 Hour Professional Reading Screening where we assess your child for grade level and identify any gaps in reading skills. Report with suggestions follow the assessment to help your child become a successful reader.  This is a virtual assessment via Zoom by Dr. Linda Silbert, Ph.D.  Dr. Linda has worked with children for over 45 years, has developed programs to help students learn based on his or her own needs and helped to put them on the right path for reading success.

Stop Worrying! We Will Help!