Creative Thinking Workbook – What Would Happen If 018


Page after page of stimulating situations is presented for the young person to respond to in a creative and imaginative way. Develops creative thinking, problem solving skills and writing while enhancing self-esteem and character. Space for drawing is provided on every page. (Grades 3-6)


Creative Thinking Workbook – What Would Happen If

Encourage your kids to think creatively and use their imagination by answering questions that begin with “What Would Happen if . . .”

What Would Happen If . . ., a creative and fun book, by Linda Silbert, PhD and Al Silbert, EdD, encourages kids to use their imagination to solve hypothetical problems. The workbook, 1 of 7 in the Creative Thinking series, includes page after page of fun-filled situations for kids to repsond to, to write about, and to draw. No wrong answers. The high quality paper used in the book makes it easy to use, even to erase.

Parents can use this book at home and teachers with all the kids in your class. What Would Happen If . . . can also be used with kids with learning disabilities such as dyslexia (reading disorder), dysgraphia (writing disorder), ADHD, and Autism.

Kids love this book filled with activities that let them think how they might solve problems.

For example, “What Would Happen If:”

  • you could fly whenever you wanted to?
  • everyone lived in space?
  • cows gave root beer instead of milk?
  • people never cooperated?
  • all animals could talk?
  • Some of the many comments:

    “I’ve found the Creative Thinking Workbooks to be exactly what children and adults need, not only in the United States, but all over the world.” –C. Peterson, Past President Jaycees International

    “It is always a pleasure to review and recommend high caliber material to the 22,000 subscribers of DADS ONLY. Your Creative Thinking Workbooks certainly qualify in that category.” —“Dads Only”

    “I was thrilled with them, they are terrific…[these workbooks] bring so much joy to young children.“ –Mrs. E. Powell, Parent

    From TEACHER’S CHOICE AWARDS in response to, “Would you recommend this product to other teachers?

    Yes, I would recommend these books. Anytime children are enthusiastic over writing and thinking is a good thing!

    Yes, I would recommend this product. Good ideas.

    Yes. I really enjoyed the great use of the workbook space.

    Yes. This is a great writing tool. I would recommend this book. It is a fantastic outlet for creativity!


    Pick up “What Would Happen If . . .” for your kids today.


    Ages: 8-11

    Reading Level: 2.0 to 4.0

    Publisher: Silbert & Bress Publications, a Division of Strong Learning, Inc.

    ISBN: 978-0-89544-018-1

    Dimensions: 8 1/2″ x 11″ 32 pp plus soft cover

    Order the Complete Creative Thinking Assortment of 7 Workbooks for K-5 and Save

    2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, second, third, fourth, fifth, writing, Social Emotional, Creative writing, Creative Thinking, Problem Solving


    Additional information

    Weight 0.27 lbs