Tale of Tiger Tuesday – Gold Mom’s Choice Award Winning Reader that started it all 501


At the center of the Tiger Tuesday Reading Program is a group of characters introduced in an award-winning picture book about a family of dolls who come to life to make a wish come true. (Grades K-3)


Tale of Tiger Tuesday – Gold Mom’s Choice Award Winning Reader that started it all

The backstory of the leading character, Tiger Tuesday, this picture book by Drs. Linda and Al Silbert is a proud recipient of the Gold Mom’s Choice Award.

Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday own a button and yarn shop in the big city. They love their shop and they love each other but something is missing. They don’t have a family to go home to. Then, one night, Mrs. Tuesday has a dream, and… Well, let’s just say everything is going to change.

“The Tale of Tiger Tuesday is the beginning of the reading adventure featuring Tiger Tuesday, a doll who comes to life as a real boy. The story line is that Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday own a button & yarn store but their lives are humdrum and boring. They hear about a magic oak tree and figure they will find it and see if it has magic for them.

They find the tree and a bag of buttons and yarn. They take the materials home and begin making yarn dolls of all sorts – children and animals. As time passes, they have so many dolls, they have to get a bigger house. Mr. Tuesday creates a doll street complete with post office, fire house, etc., for the dolls. The children around their home love to come to the Tuesdays to play on the doll street. The last yarn and buttons in the bag are used to create one last doll – named Tiger Tuesday. As soon as Tiger is made, he comes to life and brings life to all of the dolls on the street, much to the pleasure of most everyone in the vicinity of the Tuesdays’ house.” –HS Almanac

  • Paperback: 36 pages
  • Publisher: Strong Learning Publications (November 3, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0895445018
  • ISBN-13: 978-0895445018
  • Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.1 x 10.3 inches