Strong Learning Webinar Attendees

Thank you for participating in our webinar.

Remember, all TESOL Webinar attendees receive 20% OFF their order from now until February 15, 2021 with code TS21.

TESOL Resources

Resources for Teachers of English as a Second Language

Kindergarten through Adult

Our tools for teachers of English as a second language follow the LEARN Method. Students learn when they’re engaged, and they’re most engaged when they’re having fun playing. The play environment keeps the student relaxed and happy which enables them to  learn at their own pace, no matter the level, following their unique personality.

Strong Learning has developed an entire reading program using its beloved Tiger Tuesday characters. You can find the TESOL relevant components for this program in the recommended assortment page. Download the TESOL recommended assortment using the link below.

Webinar Attendees : Download these three items before we get started.

We hope you found our webinar valuable

As promised, below you will find the resources that we think you can use in your teaching environments.


Learn Method Overview


Valentines Day Play


Student Success Chart

While you’re here, we encourage you to explore these learning resources on our site:

Link to the Tale of Tiger Tuesday Story.

Link to video of children playing (and learning) using our resources.

Link to the game directions in our “Free Resources” section.

Link to our complete assortment of learning games and other resources.

Our Partners